Wednesday 19 August 2015

How I lost weight


After my pregnancy I felt like I have lost my self control! I was eating anything and everything. I bought biscuits for my kids and when they said they did not want to eat it, I was more than happy to finish the entire packet of biscuits and chips and chocolates. Having fussy kids who refuse to eat anything, I got to eat a lot and I was happy about it!

Of course that happiness was short lived when I checked my weight one day. I was close to 9 kg over weight. I know it doesn't sound like much but for someone who is extremely disciplined in eating, I was very disappointed with myself. As it is, I had not lost my pregnancy weight and now my lack of control was creating a lot of issues.

I have a back problem, for which I am not allowed to put on too much weight and so I was looking forward to loose some weight and become more healthy. But that seemed to be very difficult. You see, I am not used to being this way. Earlier if I set my mind on something, then no matter what, I always finished my task. But now I simply could not do it. I started morning walks but could not continue, I decided to stop eating junk but could not do it even for a day.

I would tell myself, that I won't eat junk for one hour and still I failed miserably. I felt I was getting addicted to food. I could not even control myself for one hour! I am happy I realized this when I was only 9 kg overweight. I knew trying to loose 9 kg is far easier than loosing 20 kg.

So I decided to work on it. And I did the only thing I knew to do in these circumstances. I went to the Lord and prayed. I confessed that I lack self control and I needed His help to over come my inabilities. I knew the Lord will answer my prayer.

One day my husband had caught a cold and it was quite severe and he was struggling, when I asked him how he caught cold, he said he has been washing his hair every morning at 5 in cold water! I was quite annoyed with that, since it was winter and there is no need to take bath in cold water and fall sick!

When I told him that, he said something which changed me completely. He said, our neighbours who are hindus, do things like using cold water and walking bare foot for their gods and we who are serving the living God, are not able to give up simple pleasures for Him.

Mind you, our Lord Jesus, never asks anybody to give up anything silly things like taking bath in hot water or using sandals! But the point is when others have so much of discipline, why can't we develop that.

While I still believed my husband was not completely right, something he said struck a cord with me.

Why can't I give up eating junk for my Lord!

So it started on one sunny morning, I told the Lord, that I will stop eating junk food for him and that He should help me and give me the strength to do it. And almost instantaneously I stopped eating all unnecessary junk food! Every time I saw some biscuits or chocolates, I would tell myself, I will not eat it for the Lord. I will do this for the Lord. And for my loving Lord who gave himself for me, I was able to give up all junk food.

From there on, I went on a healthy diet and started morning walks. I did not loose weight drastically but I kept at it and in 3 months I lost all those 9 kg and I was back to my pre pregnancy weight.

Now I do eat biscuits and chocolates and chips but it has no control over me! I eat when I feel like eating and never over eat!

Galatians 5:22-23 says
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

God has already given us all the fruits of the spirit, we have to pray and ask God to help us work on it and bring it out. Self control is a fruit of the spirit and with the help of God, we can exercise self control in every area of our life.

Until next time,


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